geese flying in dark blue sky over dark blue water with dark blue mountains in background

Our Commitment to Equity

As Heart of the Rockies Initiative works to ensure connected habitat and working lands for people and wildlife, we do so with an understanding that conservation is inextricably linked with justice and equity. In order to make a difference in the field of conservation, we must continually explore and address our own individual biases and improve organizational culture.

We also acknowledge that individual awareness and internal cultural change, alone, have a limited impact. We see a need to also take concrete actions to ensure our programs are truly inclusive and use our region-wide sphere of influence to make a positive difference for marginalized groups in the conservation community. 

Heart of the Rockies Initiative is committed to upholding ethical standards in conservation practice, broadening our impact, and strengthening community relationships.

  • Ensuring our efforts are representative of and responsive to all the different communities of the Rocky Mountain West.
  • Fostering trust and collaboration with diverse stakeholders, including communities of color, Indigenous groups, and marginalized populations.
  • Creating a fair and inviting organizational culture, committed to inclusive hiring practices and equitable, transparent salary setting processes.